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Pros and Cons of Permanent Denture Methods

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What Are Permanent Dentures?

Also known as implant-supported or fixed dentures, permanent dentures are dental prosthetic substitutes for the full arch of missing teeth. Unlike traditional removable dentures that rely on suction or adhesives to stay in place, permanent dentures are secured in the mouth using dental implants.

A contemporary solution in the field of restorative dentistry, these dental prostheses offer an optimal and durable alternative for individuals with missing teeth in a row.

What Are The Types Of Permanent Dentures?

Two types of permanent dentures are commonly utilized in restorative dentistry are:

  • Fixed Full-Arch Dentures: This permanent denture, often called an implant-supported fixed bridge or an implant-supported prosthesis, replaces an entire arch of missing teeth. It is securely attached to dental implants that serve as stable anchors. The fixed full-arch denture offers exceptional stability, allowing for improved chewing efficiency and a natural feel. It provides a permanent, non-removable solution, enhancing the patient's confidence and oral function.
  • Implant-Retained Overdentures: Unlike fixed full-arch dentures, implant-retained overdentures are removable prostheses secured onto dental implants using various attachment systems. These dentures "snap" onto the implants, providing greater stability and retention than traditional removable ones. Implant-retained overdentures offer increased comfort, reduced gum irritation, and improved chewing ability, allowing easy removal and maintenance.

The choice between fixed full-arch dentures and implant-retained overdentures depends on several factors, including the patient's oral health, bone condition, preferences, and treatment goals.

Therefore, a comprehensive evaluation and consultation with a qualified dental professional are vital to determine the most suitable type of permanent denture for each individual's unique circumstances.

When Should You Get Permanent Dentures?

If you have been searching "permanent dentures near me" online, you should know the pre-conditions that make you the right fit for permanent dentures.

  • Adequate Bone Density: Sufficient bone volume and density in the jaw are essential for successful dental implant placement, which serves as the foundation for permanent dentures. In addition, patients with healthy bone structures are more likely to support the integration of dental implants.
  • Extensive Tooth Loss: Individuals who have lost most or all of their natural teeth in one or both dental arches, are potential candidates for permanent dentures. It includes those who face challenges with chewing, speaking, and oral function due to extensive tooth loss.
  • Good Oral Health: One should exhibit satisfactory oral hygiene and a relatively healthy periodontal (gum) condition. Addressing any underlying oral health issues, such as gum disease or decay, may be necessary before proceeding with permanent dentures.
  • Commitment to Oral Care: Candidates for permanent dentures should meticulously maintain excellent oral hygiene and go for regular dental check-ups. Proper care, including daily brushing and flossing, as well as routine professional cleanings, is vital for permanent dentures' long-term success and longevity.
  • General Health Considerations: A thorough evaluation of the candidate's general health is crucial, as certain systemic conditions or medications may affect the healing process following implant placement. Collaboration between the dental professional and the candidate's healthcare providers ensures a comprehensive understanding of potential contraindications.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Permanent Dentures?

Following are the pros and cons of permanent dentures:


  • Enhanced Stability
  • Improved Chewing Efficiency
  • Natural Appearance
  • Preservation of Jawbone
  • Longevity


  • Cost
  • Surgical Procedure
  • Time Commitment
  • Potential for Complications
  • Not Suitable for Everyone

Are Permanent Dentures Safe?

Permanent dentures have proven to be a safe and effective treatment option for individuals seeking to restore their oral function, aesthetics, and quality of life. However, the safety of permanent dentures primarily depends on the expertise of the dental professional performing the procedure, the patient's overall oral health, and adherence to post-treatment care. As with any surgical procedure, potential complications and risks are associated with permanent dentures. These include infection, implant failure, nerve damage, and rare allergic reactions. Therefore, regular follow-up visits with the dental professional are crucial to monitor the health of the implants and address any concerns promptly.

Click here to learn more about permanent denture options for you.

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